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Weeds - Intro
<p>Weeds fue una serie de televisión estadounidense creada por Jenji Kohan que narra la historia de Nancy Botwin, una madre de familia, cuyo marido Judah ha fallecido reciente y repentinamente, y termina vendiendo marihuana a sus vecinos del barrio residencial donde vive para poder mantener el nivel de vida de clase alta al que está acostumbrada.<br /><br />La melodía de Weeds es de la canción 'Little boxes' de la cantante Malvina Reynolds (1962) y renovada en 1990.<br /><br />"Little boxes on the hillside,<br />Little boxes made of ticky tacky,<br />Little boxes on the hillside,<br />Little boxes all the same.<br />There's a green one and a pink one<br />And a blue one and a yellow one,<br />And they're all made out of ticky tacky<br />And they all look just the same.<br /><br />And the people in the houses<br />All went to the university,<br />Where they were put in boxes<br />And they came out all the same,<br />And there's doctors and lawyers,<br />And business executives,<br />And they're all made out of ticky tacky<br />And they all look just the same."</p>
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